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Skydiving Movies and Scenes to Binge on a Rainy Day

Too rainy or cloudy to jump? Get your skydiving fix with these kickass, and sometimes super cheesy, movies featuring skydivers, dropzones and skydiving scenes. The Skydive School | Skydiving Movies | Image courtesy of Wix There may not be many movies that are dedicated to dropzone life and skydivers, but there are plenty of skydiving scenes and moments in movies, videos and even TV advertisements. Skydiving is no longer reserved for James Bond spy movies, but it does tend to sway towards...

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Skydiver Words and Expressions You’ll Hear Around the Dropzone

Before immersing yourself in the wild world of skydiving, learn how to speak skydiver. The Skydive School | Skydiver Words & Expressions Australian skydivers love slang and they have their own language that may be confusing for student and novice jumpers. Words and expressions used by skydivers in the aircraft and around the dropzone are easily picked up when you spend your free time learning to skydive and progressing in the sport. But it's always helpful to know the lingo before you go....

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Is Skydiving Addictive?

Skydivers are often called adrenaline junkies for a reason. The Skydive School | Is Skydiving Addictive? When I ask skydivers if they think skydiving is addictive, the conversation often sways toward the definition of addiction and the association the word has to illicit drugs, which can result in a physical addiction. According to the online Oxford Learner's Dictionary, addiction means: The condition of being unable to stop using or doing something as a habit, especially something harmful....

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Parachute Packing for Beginners

An unpleasant but necessary and important skydiving skill The Skydive School | Parachute Packing Parachute packing is largely considered a necessary evil in the world of skydiving. That is why there are professional parachute packers. In commercial skydiving, such as tandem skydiving, it makes sense to have a professional packer to do the dirty, laborious work. But there are plenty of solo skydivers who are willing to pay someone to pack a parachute after their jump. Sometimes, it's so the...

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